List rules -

Records can be created in various ways. You can add a new record to your application or copy an existing one. You can specialize existing rules by creating a copy in a specific ruleset, against a different class or (in some cases) with a set of circumstance definitions. You can copy data instances but they do not support specialization because they are not versioned.

Create a list rule by selecting List from the Technical category.

Key parts:

A list rule has two key parts:

Field Description
Apply to Select a class that this list rule applies to. Choose:
  • A concrete class to report only on instances of that class, stored as rows in a database table.
  • An abstract class that is parent of concrete classes, to define a rule that at run time can retrieve instances of a single class that is derived from the abstract class.
  • A concrete class that corresponds to a view of the PegaRULES database, to report on the rows of that view.
Identifier Enter a list name that is a Java identifier. Begin the name with a letter, and use only letters, numbers, and hyphens. See How to enter a Java identifier.

Rule resolution