Viewing Tracer results in the Tracer window

You can use the Tracer window to interact with Tracer results. Each row in the window represents an event. The Tracer records selected events from the rule executions, database operations, and other event types that you selected when you configured the Tracer.

To view additional information about an event:

  • To open the corresponding rule, click the Name field in any row.
  • To learn more about the event and view a Java stack trace if an exception occurred, click the Line, Rule#, or Step field.
  • To view the properties that were on the step page when the step began, click the Step Page field.
  • To view the contents of the parameter page, from the Line display, click the Parameter Page Name.
  • To view the contents of the primary page, from the Line display, click the Primary Page Name.

A blue arrow to the left of a row marks the row of your most recent interaction.