BIX performance recommendations

Optional performance settings

Set the following options to maximize BIX performance. These options are described in Configuring optional prconfig.xml settings:

<env name= “compatibility/BIXUseOptimizedClipboardXML” value= “true” />

<env name= “compatibility/BIXdisableForwardChaining” value= “true”>

<env name=”compatibility/BIXdisableBackwardChaining” value = “true” />

<env name="declarative/enabled" value= "false" />

BIX retrieval query optimization

When a BIX extract rule is run, it generates an SQL query to retrieve the instances of a class from which it will extract data. The filter conditions in this query are based on the selections made on the Filter Criteria tab of the rule form. To optimize the performance of this SQL query for large class tables, consider adding database indexes for the columns referenced in the filter criteria. If you are using the incremental extraction option, be sure that the pxCommitDateTime property is indexed.

Single class data extraction using multiple parallel batches

When you are extracting data from one class that has a large number of class instances and a small time window in which to run the batch, you can extract data using multiple parallel batches. To do this, run your Extract rule multiple times, starting at the same time, filtering each run to extract a different set of records. For example, you could filter on region, product line, etc.

Note: For Pega Cloud applications, BIX is an add-on service that Pega configures if you choose it as part of your subscription. For on-premises applications, BIX is available when you purchase and install the BIX application.