Robotic process automation error handling

If validation passes and the automation status is set to Completed with errors or Did not complete, the pyRepairAutomation subflow, which you can customize, runs. By default, it contains a single assignment named RepairAutomation. The assignment is routed to the Failed Robotic Assignments work queue.

Routing these assignments to a centralized work queue allows a case administrator to review each work object that did not pass automation. It might be possible to correct errors or issues in your case data and resend the case for processing. Alternatively, you can skip the automation or move the case forward.

  • Completed
  • Completed with errors
  • Did not complete

Additionally, the data that is passed back in to your case type might not pass your specified validation criteria.

The following list describes these validation and status scenarios:

  • If validation passes and the automation status is set to Completed, flow processing continues.
  • If validation passes and the automation status is set to Completed with errors or Did not complete, the pyRepairAutomation subflow runs. This subflow has an assignment called Repair Automation, which can be manually moved forward or configured to be rerun. You can also customize this subflow with your own error handling logic.
  • If validation fails, the assignment is returned to the work queue from which it was obtained and can be processed by a robotic automation VM again.