Testing operations in SAP integration

You can configure the request for each operation that you selected for your SAP integration and test the operation to view the response.

  1. Click Test next to each operation to open the Test Data Source dialog box.
  2. Click Edit to update the test endpoint URI for the operation.
  3. Configure the following tabs under Request:
    • Tree View:

      Configure the body of the request in a tree format by adding nodes. The system updates the XML tab with the corresponding XML format.

      • Add a child to a node by selecting the node and clicking Add Child. Then, enter the Node Name and Node Value for the new node. Add subsequent child nodes in a similar manner.
      • Add a sibling for a child node by selecting the node and clicking Add Sibling.
      • Add an attribute for a node by selecting the node and clicking Add Attribute.
      • Create a copy of a child node as a sibling by clicking Duplicate against the node.
      • View the namespace prefixes of the nodes and attributes in the body of the request by clicking Show namespace prefixes.
      • Remove a node by selecting the node and clicking Delete.
    • XML: Configure the body of the request in raw XML format. The system updates the Tree View tab with the corresponding tree format.
    • Authentication: Configure the authentication for the test execution by creating or specifying an authentication profile.
  4. Click Test to view the response. The default response is displayed in a tree format on the Tree View tab. You can switch to the XML tab to view the response in raw XML format.
  5. Click OK to close the Test Data Source dialog box and continue with step 6 of Selecting operations for SAP integration.