Model report details

The model report provides information about the predictor data for the selected model.

  • Name - Provides the names of the properties used as predictors. Click the name of the predictor to display additional details.
  • Status - Shows whether a predictor is used or not used by the adaptive model. Predictors can also be inactive if their performance score falls below the threshold or they are highly correlated to another predictor that has a higher performance score.
  • Type - Indicates the predictor type (numeric or symbolic).
  • Performance (AUC) - Indicates the total predictive performance that is expressed in the Area Under the Curve (AUC) unit of measurement.
  • Positives - Shows the number of positive responses.
  • Negatives - Shows the number of negative responses.
  • Range/# Symbols - Shows ranges for numeric predictors or the number of symbols for symbolic predictors.
  • # Bins - Shows the number of bins. The number of bins is affected by the group settings in the Adaptive Model rule.