Step types

Each step in a process has a type, based on the functionality that it provides. By using a variety of step types, you can create processes that are interactive.

For example, you can use steps in a Mortgage case to retrieve a customer's financial history, prompt a case worker to calculate a new interest rate, and notify a case manager when the terms of the loan are ready for approval. You choose a step type when you define a life cycle for a case type.

The following step types are supported:

  • Collect information - Assigns a task to a user or work queue.

    You must create a form with fields for this task.

    This type of step adds the Assignment shape to your process. There is no flow action defined on the outgoing connector.

  • Approve/Reject - Assigns a task to a user, typically a manager, to review case information and then decide whether the case is approved.

    You can customize the form for this task.

    This type of step adds the Approval shape to your process.

  • Processes - Calls another process from the current process.

    This type of step adds the Subprocess shape to your process.

  • User actions - Assigns a task with a defined action to a user or work queue.

    This type of step adds the Assignment shape to your process. The outgoing connector is configured with an existing flow action.

  • Utilities - Provides preconfigured functionality, such as sending an email or creating a case.

    This type of step adds a corresponding smart shape to your process.

To create steps with advanced functionality, add shapes to the underlying flow that supports your process.