You are here: Reference > Tools, accelerators, and wizards > Localization wizard > Localizing an application

Localizing an application

During the localization process text in user-visible field value rules that are displayed in application elements such as user forms and portals is translated into the language that you specified.

The text includes labels, captions, tooltips, and instructions that are displayed in user-facing rules, such as harness, section, flow action, message, and portal. HTML text used in HTML paragraphs, correspondence, fragment rules is also identified.

These are the basic steps that you perform in the wizard when you translate to a new language or verify a translated application.

  1. Select languages
  2. Select application rulesets
  3. Enable records
  4. Export translations
  5. Review the translation package
  6. Import translations
  7. Review the import results
  8. Check the translated values in the application