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Adding an events feed to your user interface

An events feed lists information about customer interactions for specific event types and time ranges. You can add an events feed to your user interface by creating a reusable section that references the default data page (D_pxEvents), which points to the Event Store data set. This information can help you make informed and personalized decisions for each customer.

Before you can add an events feed to your user interface, you must create event types by using the Event Type wizard. In the events feed, each event type is represented by a unique color, with 18 colors provided.

Other than specifying the event types to include and the date range, you cannot limit the number of events that are displayed in the events feed. To configure how some of the information in the events feed is displayed, you can customize the section Data-EventSummary.pyEventsFeedItem.

  1. Click +Create > User Interface > Section.
  2. For the section, specify a short description, the class the section applies to, and the ruleset.
  3. Click Create and open.
  4. On the Design tab, click Layout, select Section, and drag and drop the section to the dynamic layout canvas.
  5. On the Section Include form, specify the property reference for the section as pxEventsFeed, and click OK.
  6. Click the Properties icon for the section.
  7. On the Parameters tab, specify the following information:
  8. Click Submit.