You are here: Designer Studio > Landing pages > Case Management > Case Management Gallery landing page

Case Management Gallery landing page

The Case Management landing page contains the Case Management Gallery, which provides a working example of a case management application, and a library of frequently used rules. You can find processes, gadgets, and actions that are useful when building a case management application. All of the examples (and the Gallery itself) are guardrail compliant. Click the Open link on any page to open the corresponding rule.

Access the landing page by clicking Designer Studio > Case Management > Processes > Gallery.

You can also access the Gallery by selecting Browse gallery in the Case Type Explorer actions menu.

About the Case Management Gallery

The tree in the left panel contains nodes for the sample application and for the rules. The Welcome link displays the introductory page. Click the links described below to access the other pages.

Sample Case Types

This section provides a sample application case type hierarchy containing:

The right panel, you can do the following:

You can also examine the user interface components. In the Designer Studio developer toolbar, click the Live UI icon.


This section presents a read-only image of the process displayed on the Flow Rule form's Diagram tab with a description. Expand the Parameters label below the diagram to see the values on the Flow Rule form's Parameters tab.

Flow Actions

Click the Preview button to see a how the flow action appears to users. Note that not all flow actions contain this button.


This list contains reusable sections that you can use in your case management application, with a description of each. Click the Open link to open the section rule.