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Standard linked properties


Your system contains more than 30 standard properties of mode TEXT which are linked properties, meaning that many types of rules can retrieve at runtime values from a linked object without the need to explicitly load the clipboard page for that object. Access is read-only.

Linked properties are those for which the Rule-Obj-Property.pyIsGateway value is True. This value appears as a check box on the General tab of the Property form. You can reference linked properties in user interface rules (harnesses, sections, flow actions), in report definitions, in expressions, and in many other places where a property reference is accessed read only.

A linked property reference has the format .pylinked.pyother, where pylinked is the linked property, and pyother is a property reference within the linked class. At runtime, the value of the linked property is used to retreive and open the unique object in the linked class (read-only, without a lock). For example, the syntax:


at runtime uses the value of property .pyAssignedOperatorID to load a clipboard page for one instance of Data-Admin-Operator-ID (the linked class), and return the value of the pyUserName property from that page.

The linked property pages on the clipboard are temporary. Most of these pages are erased from the clipboard when the next Commit operation occurs in the Thread.

When the value of the linked property is not blank, at run time a page corresponding to the referenced object, retrieved by its key, is automatically added to a requestor's clipboard. The values on that page are read-only. Such pages are never refreshed; they remain on your clipboard until your requestor session performs a Commit operation (which need not be related to the processing that caused the pages to exist).


The property identified in a linked property reference may itself be a linked property. For example, in a work item, the pxUpdateOperator property identifies the operator who last updated the item. In the Data-Admin-Operator-ID class, the pyAccessGroup is also a linked property. This linked property reference, if entered in a Work- context, shows the description of an access group:


Below is a partial list of standard linked properties.

Linked Property

Target Class


Assign-.pxAssignedOperatorID Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Assign-.pxAssignedOrg Data-Admin-Organization Organization details
Assign-.pxAssignedOrgDiv Data-Admin-OrgDivision Division details
Assign-.pxAssignedOrgUnit Data-Admin-OrgUnit Unit details
Assign-.pxLastUpdatedBy Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Assign-.pxRefObjClass Rule-Obj-Class Work type details
Assign-.pyWorkGroup Data-Admin-WorkGroup Work group details
Assign-.pyAccessGroup Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup Access group details
Operator ID    
Data-Admin-Operator-ID.pyAccessGroup Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup Access group details
Data-Admin-.pyCCManager Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Data-Admin-Operator-ID.pyPrevWorkGroup Data-Admin-WorkGroup Work group details
Data-Admin-.pyWorkGroup Data-Admin-WorkGroup Work group details
Data-Admin-.pyWorkBasket Data-Admin-Workbasket Workbasket details
Data-Admin-.pyWorkPool Rule-Obj-Class Work pool details
Data-Admin-.pyDefaultAccessGroup Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup Access group details
Work-.pxCreateOperator Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Work-.pxUpdateOperator Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Work-.pyAssignedOperator Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Work-.pyCreatorID Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Work-.pyCurrentApprover Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Work-.pyResolvedUserID Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
Work-.pyOrigDivision Data-Admin-OrgDivision Division details
Work-.pyOrigDivision Data-Admin-OrgDivision Division details
Work-.pyOwnerOrg Data-Admin-Organization Organization details
Work-.pyOrigOrg Data-Admin-Organization Organization details
Work-.pyOrigOrgUnit Data-Admin-OrgUnit Organization unit details
Work-.pyOwnerOrgUnit Data-Admin-OrgUnit Organization unit details
@baseclass.pxCreateOperator Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details
@baseclass.pxObjClass Rule-Obj-Class Class details
@baseclass.pxUpdateOperator Data-Admin-Operator-ID Operator ID details


For a configuration example, see PDN article How to use linked properties to display data from related objects. As another example, if a work object contains a property Sponsor with values that exactly correspond to an Operator ID, it could be made a linked property. Thereafter, references to properties of an operator ID in the form .Sponsor.pyLastName are available in sections, activities, and most other rule types. At runtime, the property value automatically retrieves the object of the target class whenever a reference to properties in the target class are needed. These retrieved pages are retained in a cache, improving performance, and are visible on the clipboard. Linked property operations can be recorded by the Tracer tool.

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