You are here: Reference > Rule types > Lists > List form - Completing the Fields tab

  List form
Completing the Fields tab

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Use the Fields tab to specify which properties of the concrete class are retrieved by the search and saved to the clipboard.

After you complete and save the List form, you can test the rule with the toolbar Run button. See More about List rules.



Fields add row
List Item

Select a Single Value property that is to produce a column of values in the list. The Obj-List method sends these properties to the clipboard. B-19884 no other modes

For optimal performance, list only properties that are exposed columns in the corresponding PegaRULES database table, rather than properties only within the Storage Stream (BLOB) column.

However, you can also include Single Value properties that are not exposed as columns, and fully qualified elements of aggregate properties. These are contained in the Storage Stream (or BLOB) column. If this list rule is heavily used, consider exposing the properties as columns in the database.


Enter a text label to appear as a column header. Choose text that is meaningful for the intended audience.

Relative Width

Optional. Enter a percentage between 1 and 100 for an approximate relative column width when the list rule executes. Enter 0 to cause the property to be retrieved but not displayed.

About List rules