You are here: Core engine > High availability > High availability use case scenarios > Scenario: F5 load balancer setup

Scenario: F5 load balancer setup in a highly available system

This scenario details the rudimentary configuration of the LTM module of the BigIP to create highly available load balanced clusters, including:

See PDN article How to test whether a Process Commander node is running for other examples.

To set up the F5 load balancer, do the following:

  1. From the Main tab, select Local Traffic.
  2. Select Virtual Servers and click the Create button.
  3. In the General Properties section, enter Name, Description, and Destination.
  4. In the Service Port field, enter a port and select HTTP from the menu.
  5. In the Configuration section, select oneconnect from the OneConnect Profile menu.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Finish.
  7. Select Pools from the Virtual Server drop down menu and click the Create button.
  8. In the Pools General Properties section, enter Name and Description.
  9. From the available Health Monitors, make monitors Active, and then click Finished.
  10. From the Virtual Server menu, select Nodes, then click Create.
  11. In the Nodes General Properties section, enter Name and Description, then click Finish.
  12. Return to the Pool list and select the pool that was just created.
  13. Select the Members tab. In the Current Members section, click Add.
  14. Click Node List. Select the node from the menu, add the Service Port, and then click Finished.
  15. Return to the Virtual Server list and select the Virtual Server that was just created.
  16. Click the Resources tab. Select the pool that was just created for the Default Pool from the menu, select cookie for the Default Persistence Profile, and then click Update.

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