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Command-line BIX extractions

In addition to running a BIX extract from within the Designer Studio, you can directly call the ExtractImpl Java class in the Pega 7 Platform application libraries to define and run an extract process. Specify the data to be extracted and the output format by referencing an Extract rule that you have created in the Pega 7 Platform. ExtractImpl can either access the Extract rule in the Pega 7 Platform database or read an XML file containing the XML representation of the rule. BIX in the command-line executes in its own Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instance.

You can add other optional parameters that filter the data by any property, including date ranges, and specify other processing options. For more information, see Setting optional command-line BIX parameters.

Running an Extract rule from the command-line works in the following way:

  1. BIX accesses the Pega 7 Platform (source) database using the information defined in the BIX prconfig.xml file.
  2. Using the information configured in the bix.xml file and specified in the Extract rule, BIX extracts the specified data from the Pega 7 Platform (source) database.
  3. The extracted data is output in the output format specified in the Extract rule.

Note: The output data includes a timestamp and a batch identifier. These help when you want to compare information from different extracts or isolate information from a specific extract.

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