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Working with the PegaRULES database — Tables for assignments

Three database tables normally contain assignments. Assignment instances are created when a flow execution reaches an Assignment shape (Assignmentin Process Modeler, or Assignment shape in Visio) in a flow. Assignment instances are deleted when a user or agent or other processing responds to the assignment by recording information, making and recording decisions, and adding attachments, or otherwise updating the work item, allowing the flow execution to continue.


Assignments are instances of a concrete class derived from the Assign- base class.

A newly installed system contains no assignments. As work items progress, the system creates and deletes assignments. Assignments may exist only for a few seconds, or for days or months.

As initially configured during installation, three tables in the PegaRULES database contain rows that correspond to assignments:



pc_assign_workbasket Holds assignments in workbaskets, instances of the Assign-Workbasket class.
pc_assign_worklist Holds assignments on worklists (Assign-Worklist class).
pr_assign Holds external assignments (Assign-External class), that use the directed Web access feature and assignments of all other types.

Assignments in workbaskets

Assignments routed to workbaskets are instances of the Assign-Workbasket class. In the initial PegaRULES database schema, this class is linked to the pc_assign_workbasket table.

The pzInsKey for rows of this table is formed by concatenating the values of the following properties:

For example, the pzInsKey value:


identifies an assignment for the work item W-18 in the work pool named OTC-HR-PTO, created by a flow named VacationRequestFlow.

The workbasket name itself is not part of the key. Assignments for one workbasket can be accessed through an index. Indexes on the pc_assign_workbasket table speed reporting.

Assignments on worklists

Assignments on operator worklists are instances of the Assign-Worklist class. In the initial PegaRULES database schema, this class is linked to the pc_assign_worklist table.

The pzInsKey for rows of this table is formed by concatenating the values of the following properties:

For example, assume you enter a new work item W-20 of the Simple Task type in the PegaSample application. The flow that starts for W-20 is named PegaSample-SimpleTask.SimpleProcess. All work items in the PegaSample sample application belong to the PegaSample work pool.

The pzInsKey of the first assignment created by this flow execution is:


The assignee operator is not part of the key. Assignments for one assignee can be accessed through an index. Indexes on the pc_assign_worklist table speed reporting.

External assignments

External assignments are stored as rows of the pc_assign_worklist table, which also holds rows for assignments on worklists. The key structure of these two types of rows is identical, except that the pxObjClass value for external assignments is ASSIGN-EXTERNAL.

Other assignments

Assignments in the Assign-Corr and Assign-Service classes are stored as rows in the pr_assign table:

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Working with the PegaRULES database