Working with the PegaRULES database — Triggers and stored procedures

The PegaRULES database uses triggers to maintain views, and uses stored procedures to meet important integrity and consistency requirements.

Caution: Do not alter trigger elements except as advised by Pegasystems Global Services.

About database triggers

Database trigger names begin with the prefix TPPR_. Triggers monitor changes to the tables containing rules, and ensure that database views and the rule cache are appropriately updated when a rule is added, updated, or deleted.

Note: Do not confuse database triggers with the Rule-Declare-Trigger rule type, a Pega 7 facility that executes an activity when a page is saved.

About stored procedures

Stored procedure names begin with the prefix SPPC_.



sppc_data_uniqueid Supports the computation of unique work item ID values, associated with the Data-UniqueID class.
sppr_sys_statusnodes_set Updates the status of the current node in the statusnodes table.
sppr_sys_reservequeueitem Supports asynchronous execution by agents.
sppr_sys_reservequeueitem_b Supports asynchronous execution by agents.
sppr_sys_updatescache_add Adds an entry to the pr_sys_updatescache table, which coordinates rule updates in multinode systems.
sppr_sys_updatescache_flush Removes entries in the pr_sys_updatescache table that are older than a specified number of minutes.
sppr_sys_updatescache_gettime Returns the last pulse time and the current database time.
sppr_rr_class_filtered Supports rule resolution processing.
sppr_aggregate_usage Supports roll-up of usage statistics.

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