Back ForwardAbout the Application Document Wizard

The Application Document Wizard captures information and images from any application in your stack. Use the generated Word document to share your designs and implementations with stakeholders. You can easily customize options to meet your project needs.


Before you start

Ensure that your local machine uses a supported version of Microsoft Word. Refer to the Platform Support Guide on the PDN for a list of supported versions.

Close any other Word sessions. Only one Word session initiated by PRPC can be open at a time.

Add the application hostname or IP address to your browser's list of trusted sites.

Verify that your client has Visio installed. Otherwise, Entity Relationship Diagrams are not included in the generated document.


Choosing the correct document scope

Run the wizard by selecting the > Application > Tools > Document menu item.

Many wizard options and steps are controlled by a few important fields. Answer these questions before making selections in the wizard:


Do you have relevant, saved settings?


Which application requires documentation?


Which format best suits your project needs?  


Basic navigation

Use the buttons in the wizard footer to navigate and perform common actions:


Access helpful tools in the Actions menu of the wizard header:



Application Document Wizard

Related topics

Application Document Wizard best practices

Generating an Application Document

Generating an Application Profile

Generating a Specification Document

How to customize the Application Document Wizard