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Use a function rule to define a Java function that is accessed through rule resolution. You can reference function rules in expressions and directly in Java. Each function belongs to a library (Rule-Utility-Library rule type), indicated by the first key part.

note about SQL function alias rulesUsers can also create function alias rules to create complex SQL expressions that may be needed in Report Definition rules. See About Function Alias rules for more information about SQL function aliases.

Calling functions in expressions

Use the following syntax to call a function in an expression. In the syntax shown, square brackets indicate that a value is optional:

@[(RulesetName: LibraryName )].functionName([functionParameters])

For example, you can use the following to compute a value:

@(MyRuleSet:MyGeoLibrary).MyGeographicFunction( Latitude, Longitude)

Calling functions in Java

From within Java code, use only lowercase for the RuleSet Name and library name, and exact case for the function name. Replace any dash characters with an underscore character.

myruleset_mygeolibrary.MyGeographicFunction(Latitude, Longitude);


Use the Records Explorer to list all function rules available to you.


Function rules are part of the Technical category. A function rule is an instance of the Rule-Utility-Function rule type.

Related topics Functions in expressions
Standard rules Atlas — Standard functions
Atlas — Standard SQL function alias rules

Technical category
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