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A requestor is the process and data associated with a user (guest or authenticated) of your PRPC system, or the processing and data associated with a request into your system started by an outside system, such as a Web Applications Server or an Active Server Page on a Web site.

Each HTTP response that presents the PRPC log-in form results in the creation of a guest requestor, one that is authenticated and has only access to the RuleSets and Versions in the PRPC:Unauthenticated access group. To avoid tying up system resources, the default time-out period for idle guest requestors is a minute.

Information about each type of requestors your system supports is defined in instances of the Data-Admin-Requestor class.

Important facts about the context of each requestor are contained in the pxRequestor page of the clipboard for that (human or electronic) requestor.


SelectSystem > Tools > Usage Metrics > Active Connections to see a list of current requestors.


By default, a PEGA0030 alert occurs when more than 200 requestors are active on a single server node. You can raise or lower this threshold value.

Definitions guest, requestor ID, requestor page, requestor type, service
Related topics About Requestor type data instances
How to detect when the number of requestors exceeds a threshold
Standard rules Atlas — Initial requestor types
