Back Forward entry point

An entry point in a flow rule is a shape that a user can return to at runtime.

To mark a shape as an entry point, select the Entry point check box in the property panel.

When executing a screen flow rule, users can return to an entry point using the  Back   button or clicking a completed tab.

When executing other flows, users can return to an earlier, completed entry point in a flow (or in flows that called this flow) using the breadcrumbs control, or by selecting the standard flow action Work-.Previous flow action (or a similar action that uses the Work-.jumpToTask activity).

The Work-.Previous flow action has "Go back to previous assignment" as the Short Description text. It does not appear in an action list when no previous, completed assignment in the flow execution so far is designated as an entry point.

Most commonly, developers mark assignment shapes Assignment or and Subprocess shapes Subprocess as entry points. You can mark other types of shapes as entry points, but this may be confusing to users.

Definitions breadcrumbs control, screen flow
Related topics How to include a breadcrumbs control in user forms
