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Access the System Upgrade landing page by selecting the >System > Release > Upgrade menu item. After upgrading your Pega 7 database using the Installation and Upgrade Assistant (PRPC_Setup.jar), you can use the tabs on this page to complete the modification of your existing applications to the upgraded version:

Using the Update Existing Applications tab

When you upgrade your Pega 7 system, this tab lists actions that modify existing applications to make them compatible with the release of Pega 7 you are upgrading to. The particular actions that are listed here depends on the version of Pega 7 you are upgrading from and to.

In the Installation and Upgrade Assistant (PRPC_Setup.jar) that you run to upgrade the Pega 7, you can choose to have the Update Wizard run automatically as part of the rulebase upgrade.

Using the Final Conflicts tab

This tab lists the rules in this application that have potential conflicts with final rules. To learn more about the rules in this report that belong to a specific RuleSet, select > Reporting > Tools > Monitor Activity > Reports on Rules > Final Rules. Check one RuleSet in the right column and one or more RuleSets in the left column, and submit the form.

The page displays a report of rules in your system that reference Pega rules that have been made Final in the release you upgraded to.

Rules that are marked Final can no longer be overridden. If you have custom rules in your applications that override Pega 7 rules that have now been made Final, you will not be able to modify them after you upgrade to the new RuleSet. However, your existing rules will continue to execute.

When you try to save a rule that overrides a Final rule, validation fails and you receive an error message specifying the Final rule. To resolve the conflict, you must delete application rules that override Final system rules, and replace the functionality in your application with other rules.

Final rule conflicts can also arise when RuleSets are moved into a system using the Import Archive tool, when a rule "beneath" a final rule is also marked as Final, and in other rare situations.

Using the Upgrade Tools tab

This tab lists utilities that perform specific actions to modify or identify elements of Pega 7 that need to be changed to be compatible with the upgraded release. The particular utilities displayed depends on the versions of Pega 7 you upgrading from and to.


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